As a non-JW, and approaching this from the perspective of a shrewd CEO, or a Wall Street venture capitalist, it might actually make sense to shut it all down on a financial high-note. It wouldn't be ethical, and probably wouldn't be legal within the US, depending on where the assets ended up. But, I'm sure that the WT Society has their own version Dick Fuld (former chairman of Lehman Brothers), or Bernie Madeoff, who 'Made-off with other peoples' investments. Such a person could be calling all the shots behind the scenes. I don't think this would fall under a conspiracy theory either, since we've seen this time and time again.
The Governing Body, from what I've seen so far, don't appear intelligent enough to handle the financials of such a large real estate empire.
It wouldn't surprise me if a group of tight knit individuals who hold the org's purse strings, suddenly take their winnings and escape to an overseas tax haven. In some island/countries, such as Dominica, a passport & citizenship can be easily bought. That's just my two cents.